Index To Artwork Advertising Art: Aguirre, the Wrath of God Columbia Pictures Logo Polygram Pictures Logo Ghurka Luggage Cows In History Arnold Palmer Editorial Artwork: Time Magazine Cover Interview With The Vampire Portrait of David Blaine Hell House Literary Angels The Vanished Child The Empty Summer Lily: A Love Story Earthbound Franklin D. Roosevelt US Postage Stamps: Marilyn Monroe Humphrey Bogart Bette Davis James Dean Cary Grant Audrey Hepburn Katherine Ann Porter Stephen Vincent Benet Thorton Wilder Thomas Wolfe Meriwether Lewis William Clark Tennessee Williams Portraits: Abraham Lincoln Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin David Blaine II The Letter Martha Washington Theodore Roosevelt Edgar Allan Poe Mark Twain Head of Child
Audrey Hepburn, commemorative postage stamp, 2003, oil on board, 7.5 x 4.5. U.S. Postal Service, client
Audrey Hepburn Stamp and artwork all site artwork by Michael Deas.